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Hangfire.Server Namespace
The Hangfire.Server namespace contains types that are responsible for background processing. You may use them to customize your processing pipeline by implementing the IServerFilter interface or define your own continuously-running background processes by implementing the IBackgroundProcess as well as create completely custom instances of BackgroundProcessingServer.
Public classBackgroundJobPerformer
Public classBackgroundProcessContext
Public classBackgroundProcessContextExtensions
Public classBackgroundProcessingServer
Responsible for running the given collection background processes.
Public classBackgroundProcessingServerOptions
Public classDelayedJobScheduler
Represents a background process responsible for enqueueing delayed jobs.
Public classJobAbortedException
Public classJobPerformanceException
Public classPerformContext
Provides information about the context in which the job is performed.
Public classPerformedContext
Provides the context for the OnPerformed(PerformedContext) method of the IServerFilter interface.
Public classPerformingContext
Provides the context for the OnPerforming(PerformingContext) method of the IServerFilter interface.
Public classRecurringJobScheduler
Represents a background process responsible for enqueueing recurring jobs.
Public classServerContext
Public classServerExceptionContext
Provides the context for the OnServerException(ServerExceptionContext) method of the IServerExceptionFilter interface.
Public classWorker
Represents a background process responsible for processing fire-and-forget jobs.
Public interfaceIBackgroundJobPerformer
Public interfaceIBackgroundProcess
Provides methods for defining processes that will be executed in a background thread by BackgroundProcessingServer.
Public interfaceIServerExceptionFilter
Defines methods that are required for the server exception filter.
Public interfaceIServerFilter
Defines methods that are required for a server filter.