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BackgroundJobClientExtensions Class
Provides extension methods for the IBackgroundJobClient interface to simplify the creation of fire-and-forget jobs, delayed jobs, continuations and other background jobs in well-known states. Also allows to re-queue and delete existing background jobs.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Hangfire
Assembly: Hangfire.Core (in Hangfire.Core.dll) Version:
public static class BackgroundJobClientExtensions

The BackgroundJobClientExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberChangeState
Changes state of a job with the given jobId to the specified one.
Public methodStatic memberContinueWith(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionAction)
Public methodStatic memberContinueWith(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionAction, JobContinuationOptions)
Public methodStatic memberContinueWith(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionAction, IState)
Public methodStatic memberContinueWith(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionAction, IState, JobContinuationOptions)
Public methodStatic memberContinueWithT(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionActionT)
Public methodStatic memberContinueWithT(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionActionT, JobContinuationOptions)
Public methodStatic memberContinueWithT(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionActionT, IState)
Public methodStatic memberContinueWithT(IBackgroundJobClient, String, ExpressionActionT, IState, JobContinuationOptions)
Public methodStatic memberCreate(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionAction, IState)
Creates a new background job based on a specified static method within a given state.
Public methodStatic memberCreateT(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionActionT, IState)
Creates a new background job based on a specified instance method within a given state.
Public methodStatic memberDelete(IBackgroundJobClient, String)
Changes state of a job with the specified jobId to the DeletedState.
Public methodStatic memberDelete(IBackgroundJobClient, String, String)
Changes state of a job with the specified jobId to the DeletedState. If fromState value is not null, state change will be performed only if the current state name of a job equal to the given value.
Public methodStatic memberEnqueue(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionAction)
Creates a background job based on a specified static method call expression and places it into its actual queue. Please, see the QueueAttribute to learn how to place the job on a non-default queue.
Public methodStatic memberEnqueueT(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionActionT)
Creates a background job based on a specified instance method call expression and places it into its actual queue. Please, see the QueueAttribute to learn how to place the job on a non-default queue.
Public methodStatic memberRequeue(IBackgroundJobClient, String)
Changes state of a job with the specified jobId to the EnqueuedState.
Public methodStatic memberRequeue(IBackgroundJobClient, String, String)
Changes state of a job with the specified jobId to the EnqueuedState. If fromState value is not null, state change will be performed only if the current state name of a job equal to the given value.
Public methodStatic memberSchedule(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionAction, DateTimeOffset)
Creates a new background job based on a specified method call expression and schedules it to be enqueued at the specified moment of time.
Public methodStatic memberSchedule(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionAction, TimeSpan)
Creates a new background job based on a specified static method call expression and schedules it to be enqueued after a given delay.
Public methodStatic memberScheduleT(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionActionT, DateTimeOffset)
Creates a new background job based on a specified method expression and schedules it to be enqueued at the specified moment.
Public methodStatic memberScheduleT(IBackgroundJobClient, ExpressionActionT, TimeSpan)
Creates a new background job based on a specified instance method call expression and schedules it to be enqueued after a given delay.
See Also